And I know it.
No matter what I do I can not make it smaller. Maybe one of those mirrors with the words "Object in mirror may be closer than they appear" would do the trick, but alas, it would only be a trick.
I know a lot of truck drivers that have big rear ends. In fact, most of them do.
Now there is nothing wrong with a big rear end. They do serve a purpose, but sometimes they hide the problem that is laying in wait. Sometimes whole cars disappear behind my big rear end. When that happens, that can lead to a whole slew of problems that I hesitate to even go into here.
Why do I want to talk about my big rear end? Because it can affect you too.
Of course, those of you who have visual contact with me know I am not talking about ME. I have no butt. If I were skinnier I would look like a frog forced to stand up and wear clothes.
I am talking about the rear end of my truck. You have all seen them. They get in the way on your highways and streets. They make it impossible to see around and they ALWAYS seem to slow you down. Yet so many people seem to want to ride right behind them, as close as they can, because that is the best way to get around them........I guess
However, when you are that close to one, the driver can not see you. Seeing what is behind us helps us to make better decisions as drivers. I would think not following too closely would help people in cars make better decisions too. How can you make a good decision driving when you can not see what is ahead of you? Seems to me you are putting a whole lot of faith in the driver of the truck in front of you to make good decisions. I don't trust anyone that much.
Another problem could come in the form of mechanical failure. A blown tire or brake chamber could really put a crimp in your day.
One more thing about big rear ends. Don't try to squeeze between them and the car or truck you are trying to get in front of. Many time I have been just clear of the vehicle I just passed when someone will jimmy themselves in between me and the driver I just passed and then pass on the right. Bad Move!
Just because there is room to squeeze in there does not mean you should. Most truck drivers are waiting to clear the vehicle by a good margin before they pull back in front of it because that is the safe thing to do. When you "thread the needle" so to speak, and pass us on the right, for a few seconds you become invisible to us. Ever see a truck move over to the right hand lane and almost, or God Forbid, actually run someone off the road? More than likely it was because he could not see the other vehicle. If you must pass on the right, do it quickly. Don't just mosey on along.
That is really all I have to say about big rear ends for right now. All of us with big rear ends out here thank you.
Keep on Truckin......