Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Got Your Deficit Reduction Right Here!!!!!

The budget "talks" in Washington are really getting on my nerves. John Boehner wants to give a short term increase on the Debt ceiling because republicans want it to be an issue again before the 2012 elections. President Obama and the Democrats want it to be a longer term deal because they don't want it to be an issue. Both sides are being disingenuous and playing games with our countries future, just so they can gain or maintain their power in the corrupt District of Columbia. President Obama brought up the fact that the debt limit was raised under Reagan 17 times (That works out to just over one every five months), while saying we needed a long term increase to the debt limit, because 6 months is too short a time.

Both plans currently on the table, while claiming to reduce spending by almost a Trillion dollars, are only decreasing the growth of spending. They are not actually cutting spending. By the way, that trillion dollars is over a ten year period. Besides not being enough to cover our deficit spending for one year, it does nothing to pay down our debt. So, if we aren't covering our deficit, that means we are doing nothing but adding to our debt. Great plan you idiots.

Cuts are needed across the board. Deep, painful cuts. I know my liberal, or progressive, or whatever you are calling yourself, friends will say that conservatives are trying to starve children, kill old people, and ruin the environment all in the name of giving the "wealthy" tax cuts. Whatever! That is a lie, pushed on you by a liberal media, that doesn't have anything else in their arsenal, so they fall back on the tried and true method of misrepresentation.

Cutting taxes, no matter WHO they are on always results in an increase in revenue to the Federal Government. Why? Lower taxes means more to spend. More to spend, means more things are bought. More things being bought means higher demand. Higher demand means more employees are needed to meet that demand. More people working means more taxes being paid and that results in higher revenues. By the way. The OPPOSITE happens when you raise taxes. But don't take my word for it. Here are the figures...

Year Revenue

2000 - 995.1 Billion
2001 - 1.028 Trillion
2002 - 1.064 Trillion
2003 - 1.114 Trillion
2004 - 1.186 Trillion
2005 - 1.263 Trillion
2006 - 1.339 Trillion
2007 - 1.407 Trillion
2008 - 1.436 Trillion
2009 - 1.411 Trillion
2010 - 1.466 Trillion
2011 - 1.507 Trillion (estimated)

These increases are under the Bush Tax Rates. Look....they go up, not down. Hmmm, maybe the problem isn't the tax rates. Maybe it is the spending. Nahhhh, I am just fear-mongering here. Trying to give the oil companies more subsidies. (Those do not exist by the way. Show them to me Mr. President. They get the same tax breaks ALL companies get, even GE, who paid almost NO Taxes last year. It is good to be F.O.O.)I recently presented these facts and figures to a liberal acquaintance of mine and the debate immediately switched from facts and figures to "I can't believe you conservatives actually stand up for the rich, who are destroying the middle class" crap. Don't let facts get in the way of a good theory.

I have said before and I will say it again, I would be more than willing to pay more in taxes if I believed that our elected officials would actually be responsible with the extra money and not be wasteful with it, like studying the habits of foreign prostitutes, or building treadmills for SHRIMP! (both of these were actual stimulus plan exenditures)

Wanna know how to pay off the deficit and keep the US at a Triple A credit rating? Balance the budget. Period. It isn't rocket science. Show you are serious about tackling the debt and keeping your finances in order, the rating will stay high. Keep spending and do nothing substative to tackle the debt, kiss the credit rating goodbye.

I guess what I am trying to say is this. Both sides got us into this. Neither side seems particularly anxious to get us out. Balancing the budget means no more "special" projects to win votes. Awwww, poor widdle politicians!

There is much more I could say about this, but I will leave it at this. Balance the budget you fools!


  1. Yikes! For once we agree (except for the part about me thinking they are trying to kill the old people (I thought that was what Palin and Bachmann said about the health care bill, remember death panels?) so I guess it isn't just the liberal media pushing that lie. I really do research and believe what I believe. I see that the tax cuts haven't created jobs like they were suppose to nor have they reduced the deficit. And I am not saying that is the way to get us out of trouble either. I know that the oil subsidies are just tax breaks and your liberal friend should have done more research. I think what bothers me is people like Bachmann railing against big gov't after sucking from it most of her life, politicians making moral judgement on who should get to marry whom while marrying their twelveth mistress, being so worried about babies in the uterus but the minute those kids crown (sorry for the visual, I'm a nurse)they are on their own and better never need anything, like health care, and just the generalized hypocriticism (not a word probably) of them all. I am on board with the "sick and tired" but I feel like groups like the tea party do not have enough credibilty (or spell checkers) to change things. I think the original idea of TEA has badly veered off to la-la land. Sad, because I think they meant well and had a good premise to begin with.
    Good blog post my friend (from your bleeding heart liberal biggest fan)

  2. Barbara, you are an exception to the rule. you know what you believe and are true to it. You and I disagree on a lot of things, but at least we can discuss it. As far as tax cuts creating jobs, they do. The unemployment rate under GW averaged 5.7% and was 5.2% for much of that time. Companies aren't hiring now because of the uncertainties in the market. Example- Right after President Obama signed the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts, unemployment started to drop. 2 months later, President Obama made a speech and brought up raisng the upper rate again. That is when the hiring stopped again and the rate has been going up ever since.
